OSHOTHANE®80WP formulated as a wettable powder is broad-spectrum protective fungicide containing mancozeb 80% applied as a foliar that controls a wide range of fungal diseases on a variety of crops. it is a non- specific thiol reactant that inhibits respiration. it is also used for the early and late blights of potatoes and tomatoes, gray & Septoria leaf spot diseases on vegetables, roses, carnations, asparagus, and beans. Application rate on Potatoes and Tomatoesis 50g/20L (1.6-2.25 kg /ha. For field crops, Fruit, Nuts, Vegetables, Ornamentals. Vines, onions, leeks, lettuce, cucurbits, ornamentals, and tobacco. Bananas Beans and cucurbits Vegetables application rate is 50g/20L (2 – 2.25kg/ha). Target diseases are downy mildew, early and late blight, leaf spot, sigatoka disease.